Cancelled Shows

Girl crying with tissue in hand

Netflix has this habit of creating amazing shows that makes you want more, but after just one season they disappoint you by cancelling it. Here is a list of shows I recommend watching even though Netflix should have never cancelled them in the first place. I love these shows to heart and will occassionally find myself rewatching them.

4 boys dancing in jackets that say 'The Get Down'

The Get Down:

It's been years since this show has been cancelled and I am still not over it. This show was everything! The colors, the dancing, the singing, the acting...all of it was so amazing and it was great to see representation of POC. If you want to travel back to the disco era and groove, I highy recommend watching this show.

A girl saying 'Know what your shit's worth.


While this show does have a book and you could technically just read it...this show was entertaining as hell. The main character, Sophia, is a hot mess -- but a hot mess you learn to love and can relate to. She's chaotic, funny, and blunt. She gives no shits and knows what she wants.