Emerging Media Masters

The New Media Institute (NMI) is part of the University of Georgia and is dedicated to exploring critical, creative, and commercial dimensions of emerging technologies. This institute focuses on development skills of building digital and commercial products, innovation, finding new media solutions, and more. I was on the one-year track pursuing an M.A. in Emerging Media and graduated May 2022. The Emerging Media program is centered around web and app development, project management, and learning other elements and programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Spark, Figma, XCode, JavaScript, and more.

I like learning about technology and would like to improve my design and coding skills. This program has been a perfect fit for me because it is essentially an extension of what I already learned at UGA during my undergrad. The classes I took during this program have taught me how to use different programs and softwares, coding, prototyping, group collaboration, and pushes me to be creative and work through emerging media solutions.

One of the main deliverables during this program was launching an Emerging Media Capstone that would consist of ideating, developing a digital product, strategizing, testing, and more. I worked with a team throughout the program to create our Capstone project, NewsNow. We found there is a lack of trust and lots of misinformation when it comes to news broadcasting and other traditional news media which made us want to go forth with developing NewsNow. NewsNow is an iOS mobile app that will transform the way news is told with quick 60-second news reels. Our goal is to encourage others, especially the younger generation, to want to be more engaged and involved and create a platform that could be tailored to the user experience. We looked at our competitors like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram and pulled inspiration from their UI and how we could make our project unique. Throughout the program, we developed the NewsNow brand, created demos, did UX-testings, and made improvements to the app. NewsNow has been an amazing project to work on, and my group and I are so proud to represent an app we developed together to create real stories that can be real fun.

Overall, this program has been a journey and I have become more confident in my UX / UI abilities by creating new and innovated products. Coding has always been my downfall, but these courses have allowed me to find a new interest and love for it. This program has also taught me the importance of group collaboration and project management which has resulted in me having better communication and time management skills. I want to thank the NMI faculty, peers, and team members that have helped me throughout this journey.

Check out my course work and projects below!

Summer 2021

During my first semester in this program, I have developed valuable skills that would be helpful to me as a designer. The courses below gave me an introduction of what the Emerging Media entails and how important project management, design, and coding is to finding emerging media solutions.

Overall skills and topics learned:

  • Ideation
  • Accessibility
  • Prototyping
  • Persona development
  • SCRUM + Sprints
  • UX/UI Design
  • Domain + Hosting
  • HTML5 + CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • WordPress
  • JavaScript
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Spark
  • Responsive websites
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Project management

Fall 2021

As for my second semester in this program, I found this to be the hardest. I really had to stay organize and manage my time if I wanted to succeed. These classes went hand-in-hand with each other and helped me with the next stage of my Capstone project. I worked with a team throughout and learned the fundamentals of creating an app and testing the user-experience. I had to really overcome my dislike for coding during this semester and I’m glad I got the experience to create websites, play with JavaScript and learn XCode to create iOS apps.

Overall skills and topics learned:

  • HTML5
  • XCode
  • JavaScript
  • Vue Mastery
  • API’s
  • Wireframes
  • Prototyping
  • Project Brief
  • Google Analytics
  • Figma
  • UX-Testing
  • JSON Feed
  • User Research
  • Laws of UX
  • Design Systems

Spring 2022

As far as the variety of my classes go, my third semester was very interesting. Not only did I have to continue my capstone project for NewsNow, I learned more about creating a decent portfolio, storytelling, climate change, social media marketing, and prototyping. Throughout this semester, I worked with a few teams for projects and had to hone in on my project management skills in order to complete deadlines.

Overall skills and topics learned:

  • Prototyping
  • Project Mangement
  • XCode / SwiftUI
  • Storytelling
  • STAR Techniques
  • Social Media Marketing
  • User-Research
  • UX-Testing
  • Presentations

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